Saturday 7 July 2012

Better Weather

Well at last we have had some sunny days so have been able to do some work around the property.  John is barely keeping up with the mowing though - the growth is rampant.  One huge chore this week was to cut the main hedge, which is an all day job.  It looks very tidy now though and I have been able to get into areas of the garden which were a bit junglefied.

Finally the peonies are flowering along with the rugosa roses which smell heavenly. 
Saturday morning I attended a womens breakfast which our neighbour organises.  John and I helped her and her hubby set up the hall the previous afternoon - I got to do the table flowers.  Luckily their house is right next to the hall so about 6 men cook (john included) and serve the breakfast.  It is such fun and runs really smoothly.

Saturday afternoon we caught up with Barbara and John Hill over at Oxford.  They had some time off were able to come back here for dinner and stay the night.  Oxford was teeming with people and it was the last exam day, so you can imagine the parties that were about to happen.  Pubs and bars were filled with students.  They had to attend formal dinners at their colleges in the evening and as we left on the bus we saw row of kids all dressed formally lined up ready to go to dinner. 

Sunday John and I took a drive over to Wrest Park - about a hour and 15 min away and met with my brother and his wife.   Wrest Park has undergone a 20 year restoration and is quite magnificant. The property was owned initially by Earl de Grey and his wife Henrietta in the 16oo's and has had a succession of family own it up until just after the first world war.  As always it is filled with lavish pavillions, long water features, and orangies which are designed to show wealth.  The cutest part was the dog cemetry in the woods, which has proper headstones for about 30 dogs over the years.     

Saturday 23rd June we joined a few of the locals here in Knghtcote for a Safari Supper.  This is usually organised by Sarah - Barley and Maisey's Mum.  It was such a fun night.  There are three parts to the meal and everyone is mixed up for each course.  The lovely thing about having it in the village is that you just walk to your next destination.  You are told where to go for your starter, and then you do not open the envelope until 15min before the next course to find out where each of you go for the main and so on, but then end up at one place for coffee, cheese, port etc.  Was a fabulous way to meet some more villagers and we have even  found some tennis players and are going to have our own Wimbledon with lots of pimms and strawberries.  We hosted a main course, but went on to another place for desert and aTina had made carameled porridge with honey and whiskey and a gorgeous pavlova with berries galore.  Was delicious.

We joined a couple of other Kiwis for a pub quizz night over at Broughton - that is also where I have been going to art classes -   The questions were very tricky and even though we were lots of points down on the winners we displayed the usual good kiwi spirit and sportsmanship!!

Veronica, one of our neighbours suggested I might like to go to art classes with her.  Our teacher is just lovely and makes you have a go at anything.  Last class we had to study black, white and grey so had to mix to get different shades of grey - and had to copy a black and white picture.  She asked that we use quite wide brushes - I felt like Rolf Harris!!  but was surprisingly pleased with what I turned out.  Sadly the classes finish next week for school holidays for 8 weeks. 

Sorry still for no pictures - those of you who dont like reading without pictures will be getting a bit frustrated, but our computer has died, so need to remedy the situation somehow, but promise pics next time. 

Hope you are not too freezing over there.  Lot of loves  The cook and the gardener.

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